Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Potential new job. But don't get too excited.

I might might be getting a new job. But not in magazines. (sad face.)

I've had two interviews at an advertising company. The position is for an "account coordinator," which basically means "administrative assistant." They need someone to answer phones, organize schedules, help with PowerPoints, etc. Definitely a job I'm qualified to do, but not one I'm thrilled about.

It's just such a tricky situation. On the one hand, it'd be nice to get a paycheck again. I'm getting unemployment benefits, but that can only get me so far. I'm pretty much eating up my savings. So, it'd definitely be nice to have some money coming in. (And do a little spring shopping!) And the pay is actually pretty nice. More than what I was making before. Oh, and it's in Manhattan, so that's a major plus.

But, on the other hand, if I take a full-time job, I feel like I'm just getting further away from my dream. It'd be easy to get caught up in this new job and stop looking into magazines. And I'm not ready to give up yet. Technically I can afford to keep looking, so maybe I should.

And the worst part? I haven't even been offered the job yet. So, of course I'm really hoping to get it. Otherwise, it'd be just like on Sex and the City when Charlotte tries to set up Stanford and Anthony at Carrie's fashion show, and Stanford says, "Great. I've been rejected by someone I didn't even like. I hate when that happens."

Exactly, Stanford. Fingers crossed.

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