Thursday, March 26, 2009

Totes loving temp work

Today was my first temping gig. Actually, I'm still here -- 10 minutes to go. And, I have to say...Not a bad deal!

My phone rang at 9:18 this morning. The Brit had left for work about a half hour earlier, and I had just fallen back asleep. My phone was set to vibrate, but luckily it was on the night stand right next to my head, so it still woke me up. It was the lovely girl from the temping agency asking if I was available to work at a hedge fund...RIGHT NOW. I jumped up and said I could be there in 45 minutes.

Given that 35 of those minutes were allocated for the commute, I decided to skip the shower. Luckily, I just showered last night at the gym, but failed to wash my hair. And it's definitely looking pretty ick right now. Anyway, I started getting dressed and realized I had nothing to wear. She told me the office was "business professional," and at my old job I was more of a Leggings, Boots, Belted Tunic kinda gal. I have some nice skinny-leg black pants, but zero corporate-looking blouses. (Keep in mind I'm working with a limited wardrobe, shacking at The Brit's, and all.) Always resourceful, I ran out the door in the pants and a white cami (and a coat, of course) and high-tailed it to The Gap. I went in and bought a short-sleeved white button-up...and then realized I'd need to add a colored cardi to avoid looking like waitstaff. So, I added a "jewel sea" sweater, bringing my total to $70. Yes, almost all of my day's wages.

So, I arrived here, on the 50th Floor overlooking Central Park. And the other receptionist chick is wearing...Yep: Leggings, Boots, Shift Dress, Cardi. Ughh...70 bones, wasted. Oh well, at least it was an excuse to break my shopping hiatus.

But, back to the point. I settled in for a great, easy day of answering the phone when it rang once every 15 minutes. And, they even paid for my lunch. And it really was a treat to order a salad from Tossed without mentally adding up the cost of all my toppings. All in all, a pretty sweet day!

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